We have an age appropriate experience designed for your child- birth through 11 years old. Our goal is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for your child where they can learn about Jesus in an engaging way and have fun while building positive relationships with others. Our program consists of worship, influential lessons, interactive activities, new friendships and lots of fun!
Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
We believe our kids are God’s masterpiece. Created for a purpose to be dreamers, explorers and world changers as they bring God’s kingdom to earth. We have names for each of our classes as we want to speak into our children’s future and identity in Jesus and are praying big prayers for them. When kids are given a name and called something they live up to it!
We have big visions, bold prayers and audacious dreams over our little ones even from the beginning as they build their foundation on Jesus and experience his love each week through play, exploration and music.
We want our kids to be filled with admiration, awe, wonder and curiosity as they ask big questions about God, explore his truths each week and venture into a deeper relationship with Jesus.
7-11 YEARS
We want to guide our kids as they establish their identity in Jesus by developing an authentic faith and discovering their unique giftings. We believe kids can live radically for God and usher in His kingdom as Spirit led leaders and disciple makers in their schools and communities.
Our Tekoa Kids team can’t wait to meet you! Our goal is to make your whole family feel welcome and make the check in process easy for you. Our Tekoa Kids leaders will be ready to greet you when you arrive and help lead you through the check in process. Once your child is checked in we will lead you to the class your child will be participating in and ensure a smooth pass off so the whole family can enjoy their service!
Our Tekoa Kids team can’t wait to meet you! Our goal is to make your whole family feel welcome and make the check in process easy for you. Our Tekoa Kids leaders will be ready to greet you when you arrive and help lead you through the check in process. Once your child is checked in we will lead you to the class your child will be participating in and ensure a smooth pass off so the whole family can enjoy their service!
Your first stop when you arrive is the kids check in area. We want to serve you and your child well, so we’ll take some time to get to know you. We’ll ask about allergies, make sure we know what your child likes to be called, and collect your contact information.
Each time you check in, you will receive three stickers: one for your child’s shirt, one for water bottle or diaper bag, and one with a matching code for you. This sticker is what you’ll use to pick up your child after church.
We’ll show you where your child’s classroom is, and introduce you to their teacher. If for any reason we need to reach you during the gathering, you’ll receive a text to the phone number you provided at check in. At the end of service, you will pick your child up using the sticker provided at check in.
Your first stop when you arrive is the kids check in area. We want to serve you and your child well, so we’ll take some time to get to know you. We’ll ask about allergies, make sure we know what your child likes to be called, and collect your contact information.
Each time you check in, you will receive three stickers: one for your child’s shirt, one for water bottle or diaper bag, and one with a matching code for you. This sticker is what you’ll use to pick up your child after church.
We’ll show you where your child’s classroom is, and introduce you to their teacher. If for any reason we need to reach you during the gathering, you’ll receive a text to the phone number you provided at check in. At the end of service, you will pick your child up using the sticker provided at check in.
We believe that Jesus is the most important person for children to know, learn about and develop a relationship with. Jesus changes everything! One thing we know about Jesus is that He LOVES children. We teach our kids directly from the Bible! Our Sunday gatherings are intentionally created to disciple your child and grow their faith. We value every moment we are given to speak into their lives. We believe that God can do big things even through our youngest Tekoa Kids.
We believe church should be fun! Kids should understand that church is fun and living for God is just better! Our kid’s programs are dynamic and engaging. We want to build an engaging environment for kids now in the church so as they grow older they will be open and receptive to even more of God’s teaching and the ways he wants to teach and grow them. Our job is to help them fall in love with church so that they will fall in love with Jesus.
Your child’s safety is our top priority! It is an honor to be entrusted with your children that we don’t take lightly. We uphold high standards to care for the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of each child. All Tekoa Kids leaders pass a background check. We use a security tag system for child check-in and pick-up and a paging system for parents/guardians in case we need to reach you during the service. We recommend you pre-register before coming and check in your children 15 minutes before the start of service.
Children who show signs of fever, vomiting, cold/flu or other contagious illnesses should be symptom and fever free for 24 hours before being checked in to Tekoa Kids. Please notify us of all allergies, medical needs or behavioral needs so we can best assist your family.