Live, Love Local

Right where you are!


To be a place known by the community as a place to help all people, it takes all of us working together to live, love local. With our neighbors, our coworkers, our community, one at a time. 

Here are a few simple things you could do today to make a difference, to LIVE, LOVE LOCAL: 

  • Porch Drop Offs: Know someone that’s not feeling well, either mentally or physically? Leave a care package on their front porch.
  • Send a note or voice memo: We all need to hear why we are appreciated and loved. Take a moment today to send a note or voice memo to someone you know needs to be encouraged
  • Check in on elderly friends, family and neighbors: Ask if you can pick up groceries or make a meal.
  • Make a playlist. Find your favorite dance hits or encouraging songs and send them to your friends.
  • Create a snack box: Leave delivery workers a box on your porch to choose from: bottles of water, gatorade and snacks with a note to show you care.
  • Offer to pray: Hardly anyone says no to prayer. Ask someone you know what one thing you can be praying for right now.
  • Send a text: Set your alarm at three different times today. When it goes off each time send a text to someone that needs extra joy or needs to know they are valued.
  • Encourage a parent: Let’s be honest… parents are working overtime in this season. Let a parent know how great they are doing!

Local Partners

We realize we can't do this alone and love to partner with others

Tekoa partners with City Team to help those in need in our community with tangible resources and pathways to healing through the redemptive work of the Gospel.

Tekoa partners with Foster the City, a coalition of churches addressing the foster care crisis in our city. We are working to care for children in foster care. 

Tekoa partners with Opening Doors to help support meal services for low-income seniors, families, and people experiencing homelessness.

Church Planting Partners


Church planting is the #1 way that the church is being built and new people are coming to know Jesus.  We are excited to be members of ARC (Association of Related Churches) and the Bay Area Church Planting Network to help plant more churches. Part of our role as a local church is to support the greater work of God’s church throughout our region, country, and world.

East San Jose: 10am


Willow Glen: 4pm
